Youth Services

Sunday - 10:30 AM

The Sunday morning service is known as The Coffee Shop Service because of its warm, casual, and inviting atmosphere.

Students are welcomed to service with coffee, tea, and hot chocolate for an initial hang-out period where we have pool, ping pong, air hockey, and table games for spontaneous fun or comfy couches for chatting it up with friends.

As we transition into ministry, our students receive dynamic teaching and participate in table-top discussions and discipleship, followed by worship and opportunity to receive personal ministry.

This service meets in the Fire Room of RGC – doors open at 10:00 AM.


Wednesday - 7:00 PM

The Student Leadership & Ministry Team meets in the River Room. During this meeting time, student team members (team members are approved to join the team by application only) express their creativity in drama, as well as learn how to communicate God’s message and get past the “in-your-face” style that many religious organizations and mindsets have injured so many hungry and searching people with.

We practice powerful dramas, prepare testimonies and mini-sermons, and work on student-led service and outreach projects. Students who are regularly participating in this group are not only learning performance, but are learning how to better communicate God’s heart and love with boldness, as well as to reach out to hurting people with compassion and love.

But it doesn’t stop there either! Students are also learning how to minister to their peers, lead special ministry services, participate in city-wide outreaches, organize and lead outreach projects, and discover & use their spiritual gifts in ways that will leave a lasting impact as they lead with righteousness.

Sunday - 6:00 PM

Students attending this service seek to be infected with the love of the Father and to become contagious with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Following praise and worship, the service transitions into a time of student-led small groups that make the Bible and teachings of Jesus relevant as peer groups discuss real-life application for everyday dilemmas and personal issues.

Leaders of these small groups are students who have applied to lead their peers – they serve on the Student Leadership Ministry Team of RGC Youth and have a proven track record of being effective and positive leaders among their peers.

Small groups rotate every few months and students are given an opportunity to sign up for a new small group each round. Our passion for more of God is contagious and students who attend this service are serious about learning more, doing more, and experiencing more of God, while having fun!

This service meets in the River Room of RGC – doors open at 5:30pm.