


Part 1: “Leviathan” | People are amazed when they see the amount of information and counsel in God’s word about this ruling level demon. Leviathan prefers to lurk under the surface but the Bible says that once we learn to recognize and discern this spirit we will be able to see his “tracks” and the path he takes very clearly (Job 41:30-32). Leviathan is a “king” in the demonic realm (41:43) and especially loves to affect his rule in unwitting believers, families, churches and businesses that have been dedicated to God. Humanly speaking, it is impossible for our flesh to defeat him (41:43). Good news: the Bible says we can understand how this demon operates & we can learn how to defend against this “king” ruling in our hearts!

Part 2: Stripping the Scales | One of the most difficult spirits to defeat is the spirit of Leviathan. The Bible says, “If you lay a hand on him, you will remember the struggle & never do it again” (Job 4:8). He is covered (protected) by many scales that have to come off first. Sincere believers who fail to deal with this spirit become unwitting instruments. This message deals with “seven truths before stripping the scales off a Leviathan Spirit.”

Part 3: The Fire Breathing Dragon” | The Bible says that Leviathan uses the mouth, especially the mouth of believers, to release the fire and hatred of hell against other believers, the lost, churches, family, businesses & cities. Here are the “Ten Facts about Demonically Anointed Speech from a Leviathan Spirit.” Good news: we can learn to ask for a different fire to cleanse our lips & remove us from Leviathan’s army.

Part 4: “Overcoming Leviathan” | This message is the most important in the series if you want to know how the Bible wants us to respond to & overcome Leviathan’s influence. The spotlight suddenly moves from Leviathan to a broken believer named Job. God coaches him and when Job obeys he gets back double what was stolen & destroyed. If you would like the anointing, character & wisdom to carry “double: you start “Overcoming Leviathan” in your own life. Here’s how!




There is a hunger and thirst coming upon the people of God. Many are realizing that there has to be something that causes us to be able to touch the Father’s heart. Many are realizing that they simply do not have to ability to minister to people in the manner that Jesus has told us we should minister. He has said, “Greater works than these will you do.” How do we touch the Father’s heart? How do we do the “greater works”? What is it that must transpire in our lives so that we have an anointing that causes signs and wonders to follow us?

Hunger, Thirst & Anointing


Hunger, Thirst & Anointing

There is a hunger and thirst coming upon the people of God. Many are realizing that there has to be something that causes us to be able to touch the Father’s heart. Many are realizing that they simply do not have to ability to minister to people in the manner that Jesus has told us we should minister. He has said, “Greater works than these will you do.” How do we touch the Father’s heart? How do we do the “greater works”? What is it that must transpire in our lives so that we have an anointing that causes signs and wonders to follow us?

How Sickness Comes to the Believer


How Sickness Comes to the Believer

We pray for sickness to leave our lives and we are seeing this happen, but what is it that opens the door for sickness to come to the believer? Do you want to live a life in the Lord that is victorious & free from sickness & disease? According to the word it can be yours. Get ready for Pastor Linda to give you ammunition for your arsenal!

How Open Bible Fellowship Got It’s Groove


How Open Bible Fellowship Got It's Groove

How Open Bible Fellowship, Tulsa, Oklahoma got the Father’s love, power, and anointing. We met God in a powerful way when we were desperate. This is the story of what happened.

Heroic Faith


Heroic Faith

Do you know what the characteristics are of people who have heroic faith? Do you know what the benefits are of having heroic faith? Do you know what the weapons are Satan uses against your faith? What power do our words play in faith? What place does hope deferred carry in our walk of faith? How do I really arise in faith. In this series you will be greatly encouraged with answers to all of the above and more. Get ready to soar in your faith!

He Will Come to Us


He Will Come to Us

Many times the Lord wants to do something new in our hearts but we don’t allow Him to. He wants to cause us to look at ourselves and really see where we are caught in generational patterns of iniquity. He is inviting us to come out of our shame and out of fear and control. Pastor Linda shares with you a current story of in-depth ministry and growth that she received.

Glory of God – Vol. 3


Glory of God - Vol. 3

The Glory of God manifests in so many different dimensions and areas of our lives. When the Glory comes in, breakthrough happens because the Breaker is here. Understanding what the glory looks like in every area of life will cause you to receive.

Glory of God – Vol. 2


Glory of God - Vol. 2

The Glory of God manifests in so many different dimensions and areas of our lives. When the Glory comes in, breakthrough happens because the Breaker is here. Understanding what the glory looks like in every area of life will cause you to receive.

Glory of God – Vol. 1


Glory of God - Vol. 1

The Glory of God manifests in so many different dimensions and areas of our lives. When the Glory comes in, breakthrough happens because the Breaker is here. Understanding what the glory looks like in every area of life will cause you to receive.