Awaken the Wind of Recovery


Awaken the Wind of Recovery

When you begin to feel like something needs to change or shift in your life or situation, what should you do? Here are ten lessons from Hannah’s life to change your situation.

Awaken the Wind of Recovery (Download)


Awaken the Wind of Recovery

When you begin to feel like something needs to change or shift in your life or situation, what should you do? Here are ten lessons from Hannah’s life to change your situation.

Apostolic Authority



Disc 1 – “Apostolic Rank” | What does it mean to be Apostolic? Can we all be Apostolic? Is there a specific time when we receive and operate in the Apostolic? How is your life affected by Apostolic ministry? These questions and more will be answered in this message.

Disc 2 – “Apostolic Rank” | There is a rank in the Apostolic. Paul talked about it in II Corinthians 10. We are not to go beyond our measure or our sphere. Our rank can increase if we desire but we must learn to pay the price for it to do so.

Disc 3 – “Apostolic Pioneers “ or “Pioneers in the Church”) | There must always be those who are pioneers. If we don’t have Apostolic anointing at the core, the church will become stagnant. How do we capture this pioneering spirit and keep it? Why do some get it only to lose it? There are several truths that need to be known about pioneers in the church.

Disc 4 – “Apostolic Warfare” | When an Apostle goes into a region he/she has the power and the authority to pull down certain strongholds that cannot be pulled down without apostolic anointing. How do we deal with these strongholds in a region as one who desires to walk in Apostolic anointing? What are these strongholds made of?

Disc 5 – “Apostolic Risk Taking” | There are those who live on the edge of risk with the Spirit of God. They are consistently hearing the Lord and consistently obeying. They are the ones who do outlandish things.

Apostolic Authority (Download)



Disc 1 – “Apostolic Rank” | What does it mean to be Apostolic? Can we all be Apostolic? Is there a specific time when we receive and operate in the Apostolic? How is your life affected by Apostolic ministry? These questions and more will be answered in this message.

Disc 2 – “Apostolic Rank” | There is a rank in the Apostolic. Paul talked about it in II Corinthians 10. We are not to go beyond our measure or our sphere. Our rank can increase if we desire but we must learn to pay the price for it to do so.

Disc 3 – “Apostolic Pioneers “ or “Pioneers in the Church”) | There must always be those who are pioneers. If we don’t have Apostolic anointing at the core, the church will become stagnant. How do we capture this pioneering spirit and keep it? Why do some get it only to lose it? There are several truths that need to be known about pioneers in the church.

Disc 4 – “Apostolic Warfare” | When an Apostle goes into a region he/she has the power and the authority to pull down certain strongholds that cannot be pulled down without apostolic anointing. How do we deal with these strongholds in a region as one who desires to walk in Apostolic anointing? What are these strongholds made of?

Disc 5 – “Apostolic Risk Taking” | There are those who live on the edge of risk with the Spirit of God. They are consistently hearing the Lord and consistently obeying. They are the ones who do outlandish things.

Activating Prophetic Words Spoken Over Your Life


Activating Words

How many of us have received wisdom & revelation from the Lord but because of a time delay in the activation of it, we threw it out? In this series Pastor Linda will teach you how to keep your “chin up” as you wait for the fulfillment of the Lord’s prophetic wisdom & revelation in your life.

A Recipe for Supernatural Breakthrough (Download)



Is there some area of your life where you need a breakthrough? God is ready! He isn’t going to do it all by Himself & He doesn’t expect you to do it all by yourself. He wants to do the breakthrough with you. God has a recipe with your name on it.

A Recipe for Supernatural Breakthrough



Is there some area of your life where you need a breakthrough? God is ready! He isn’t going to do it all by Himself & He doesn’t expect you to do it all by yourself. He wants to do the breakthrough with you. God has a recipe with your name on it.

A Different Spirit


Different Spirit

In this powerful series you will learn about the different spirit of Caleb & the many decrees that the Lord has made concerning our lives. You will learn what the spirit of Issachar is & 16 things you should do to prepare for your victory. You will be given a step-by-step guide to find your destiny & to walk into it, & to celebrate the fruit coming from your life!

The Seven Spirits of God – Vol. 1 (Download)


The Seven Spirits of God - Vol. 2

What are “The Seven Spirits of God”? How do they work in my life? There is a level of sensitivity, training and ministry that goes far beyond the gifts of the spirit and anointing. This series is an absolute must for believers who want to get deeper in ministry in the realms of the supernatural and do the “greater works” that Jesus promised.

The Seven Spirits of God – Vol. 2


The Seven Spirits of God - Vol. 2

What are “The Seven Spirits of God”? How do they work in my life? There is a level of sensitivity, training and ministry that goes far beyond the gifts of the spirit and anointing. This series is an absolute must for believers who want to get deeper in ministry in the realms of the supernatural and do the “greater works” that Jesus promised.