Manifestations (Download)


Manifestations (Download)

There are 11 manifestations that we have commonly seen in the last 13 years as we have been touched in the Father’s love. What are they and what do they mean?

Leviathan (Download)


Leviathan (Download)

Part 1: “Leviathan” | People are amazed when they see the amount of information and counsel in God’s word about this ruling level demon. Leviathan prefers to lurk under the surface but the Bible says that once we learn to recognize and discern this spirit we will be able to see his “tracks” and the path he takes very clearly (Job 41:30-32). Leviathan is a “king” in the demonic realm (41:43) and especially loves to affect his rule in unwitting believers, families, churches and businesses that have been dedicated to God. Humanly speaking, it is impossible for our flesh to defeat him (41:43). Good news: the Bible says we can understand how this demon operates & we can learn how to defend against this “king” ruling in our hearts!

Part 2: Stripping the Scales | One of the most difficult spirits to defeat is the spirit of Leviathan. The Bible says, “If you lay a hand on him, you will remember the struggle & never do it again” (Job 4:8). He is covered (protected) by many scales that have to come off first. Sincere believers who fail to deal with this spirit become unwitting instruments. This message deals with “seven truths before stripping the scales off a Leviathan Spirit.”

Part 3: The Fire Breathing Dragon” | The Bible says that Leviathan uses the mouth, especially the mouth of believers, to release the fire and hatred of hell against other believers, the lost, churches, family, businesses & cities. Here are the “Ten Facts about Demonically Anointed Speech from a Leviathan Spirit.” Good news: we can learn to ask for a different fire to cleanse our lips & remove us from Leviathan’s army.

Part 4: “Overcoming Leviathan” | This message is the most important in the series if you want to know how the Bible wants us to respond to & overcome Leviathan’s influence. The spotlight suddenly moves from Leviathan to a broken believer named Job. God coaches him and when Job obeys he gets back double what was stolen & destroyed. If you would like the anointing, character & wisdom to carry “double: you start “Overcoming Leviathan” in your own life. Here’s how!

Glory of God – Vol. 3 (Download)


Glory of God - Vol. 3

The Glory of God manifests in so many different dimensions and areas of our lives. When the Glory comes in, breakthrough happens because the Breaker is here. Understanding what the glory looks like in every area of life will cause you to receive.

Glory of God – Vol. 2 (Download)


Glory of God - Vol. 2

The Glory of God manifests in so many different dimensions and areas of our lives. When the Glory comes in, breakthrough happens because the Breaker is here. Understanding what the glory looks like in every area of life will cause you to receive.

Glory of God – Vol. 1 (Download)


Glory of God - Vol. 1

The Glory of God manifests in so many different dimensions and areas of our lives. When the Glory comes in, breakthrough happens because the Breaker is here. Understanding what the glory looks like in every area of life will cause you to receive.

Fresh Water (Download)


Fresh Water (Download)

Do you need to be led out of your land of bondage and slavery to a land the Lord has promised would be filled with “Milk and Honey”? If you are waiting on your promise, this message is for you.

Finding my Father’s Heart (Download)


Finding my Father's Heart

It’s time for the wounds of fatherlessness to be healed. They misrepresented true fatherhood, leaving deep hurt, shame & disappointment. Your future is filled with stunning beauty & exciting, fulfilling adventure if you can learn to stop looking back and learn to surrender to the Father’s embrace. There are important stepts for experiencing the Father-heart of God. You are about to feel the grip of God’s love. Start by telling the orphan spirit goodbye because you have found “Abba.”

Empowered (Download)



What is the thorn in the flesh that Paul was given? Who gave him this thorn & how does it affect our lives? What is the real value in the powerful promise that Jesus’ testimony is the spirit of prophecy? What kind of authority in the Lord do you carry? Can I get more authority? These questions and more are answered in this powerful series by Pastor Linda.

Dependency (Download)


One of the major keys to longevity and continued blessing in the Christian life is to remain in the place of absolute and total dependency on God. Three lessons to take you from weakness to strength.



One of the major keys to longevity and continued blessing in the Christian life is to remain in the place of absolute and total dependency on God. Three lessons to take you from weakness to strength.